
Feeling Blue? Slightly anxious, irritable or just plain old moody? Try adding these foods to your diet and watch your frown turn upside down in no time 🙂

 Fish: Containing Omega 3 like Salmon, Mackerel and Sardines. Omega-3 is crucial in maintaining mood health. Also I recommend an additional high quality fish oil containing Omega 3-6-9 to maximise the benefits, over time you really will feel a difference.

 Dark Leafy Greens: Leafy greens are an excellent source of folate, which can reduce your risk of heart disease and memory loss. And since folate contributes to the production of serotonin, it may help ward off low moods and improve feelings of happiness.

 Sweet Fruit: Like Pineapples and Oranges are bursting with vitamin B6 and folic Acid which both help improve your mood and concentration.

Raw Cocoa: Chocolate’s power comes from serotonin boosting carbohydrates. The caffeine can also rev up your energy as well as a feeling of calmness.

 Almonds: Almonds are rich in tyrosine, which is one of the building blocks for the production of dopamine, the feel good transmitter. That means eating a handful of these healthful nuts give you a lift and your mood a good boost.

Bad food cravings stem from a variety of factors. Stress, lack of sleep & an unbalanced diet can cause them. Foods that are high in refined salts, sugars, fats and additives are the main contributors to these unhealthy cravings. The more you eat them the more you will crave, or if your body is deficient in vitamins and minerals cravings again will emerge.  When you have a craving for that Snickers bar or a bag of Doritos, try reaching for a ripe apple, crunchy carrots , a bunch of grapes, handful of almonds or chocolate with at least 70% cacao content. Keep it simple and natural. The more good you put in your body, the more you will crowd out the bad stuff. This will reduce cravings and gives no room for junk food.

Ashley xoxo