
Now that summer has officially arrived, I love sipping on my summer citrus fusion that is mega hydrating and bursting with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Small doses of sun exposure helps boost your mood, vitamin d levels and immune system, however implementing Vitamin C rich foods will help fight free radicals from the sun from within.

Sipping on 1-2 jars daily will keep energised, flush fats and toxins, combat oxidation, curb cravings, help give you a clear complexion, and most importantly keep you ultra hydrated during the heat waves.


1 bottle 750ml of natural still mineral water : combats dehydration that leads to fatigue, cravings, and ageing skin.

1 sliced lemon : helps cleanse your colon, liver and kidneys, which are fab for your skin and gut health.

1 sliced lime: a little goes along away, this citrus fruit is full of bacteria fighting agents and plethora of vitamins and minerals, it compliments  citrus fusion fabulously.

1 sliced grapefruit: helps blast fat, curb cravings, and also give you a big burst of vitamin C to combat ageing and illness.

1/3 of a cup  of pure Aloe vera juice:  a powerful anti-inflammatory that has incredible healing benefits for skin, gut and immune health.

Instructions :

1) Add the sliced citrus fruits to the large jar or jug,  next pour the bottle of water in the jug or jar,

2) Ideally make it before you go to bed, so you can wake up to a citrus fruit fusion ready to sip to boost, balance and beautify your body from the inside out.


If your looking to shed a few pounds this summer, sipping on this summer citrus fusion will be a great compliment to a healthy eating plan, and exercise program.

Ashley xoxo