IMG_4837If you want to turboboost your metabolism and litterly burn calories while you chew; start adding these super-foods to your diet and watch the fat melt. To maximise the results, remember to eat clean, exercise, get plenty of sleep and stay hydrated.

1) Avocado: Bursting with essential fatty acids that help remove waste in your body, and boost your metabolism. Avocado’s are high in fibre including soluble and insoluble which both aid digestion- Insoluble fibre slows the breakdown of carbohydrates in your body, helping you feel full for longer. Apart from the many health benefits of it, avocado’s will improve your nutrient absorption in a meal which can also help reduce your hunger.
2) Berries: Packed with antioxidants & fibre, adding berries to your diet is the perfect blend between belly fat weight loss and optimising your overall health. Get the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you need to burn belly fat and lower cholesterol.
3) Salmon: One of the best fat burning foods. Salmon boosts your metabolism and is also bursting with with beautifying properties. Salmon is low in calories, and has a healthy amount of fat and protein content, which will help keep you full for hours.
4) Spinach: High in vitamin B – which not only boosts metabolism but increases muscle function and boosts energy levels. Spinach is high in nutrients, low in calories, and curbs cravings.
5) Eggs: Not only boosts metabolism, and reduces cravings but also full of protein, Omega 3, and Vitamin D, which are all essential sustaining a healthy weight and metabolic rate.
6) Asparagus: The king of fat burning foods. Asparagus helps burns fat, boosts the metabolism, suppresses your appetite, regulate’s your blood sugar levels and helps keep your tummy flat by reducing bloating.

 There are so many ways I try to add these foods into my regime, like having  mashed avocado on gluten free toast, poached egg’s with veggies, grilled salmon and sautéed greens, and mixed berries in my morning smoothies.  Don’t forget to drink at least 8 cups of purified/ filtered water, move daily, and get beauty sleep. Burn baby burn !

Ashley xoxo