I recently met the beautiful Anoushka at last months goddess gathering for the aries moon, which is my sun sign ( my moon is virgo), and was blown away by the experience.

I cried, I laughed, and really just felt like my inner goddess come alive. I  spoke openly and participated in the rituals with other women in a circle in a majestic, serene beautiful surrounding, and loved every minute of it.

 There is something I love about connecting with other women, inspiring each other, helping each other, supporting one and another and learning more about myself and others. We all have a story and spirit…. it really is about tuning into it and truly becoming who we are meant to, and the gatherings are the perfect place to unleash our inner goddess and bring out the magik within.


1) Tell me about yourself I am founder of The Goddess Space; a place where women can gather, connect back to their power within, and unleash their Magik.

I’m a lover of all things mystical + spiritual believing that when a Woman is connected to her highest self she has the power to truly create the world she desires and will do so whilst emitting the most beautiful and sacred of energy to others.

2) Tell us more about Goddess Space?

The Goddess Space mission is to bring women together to empower, inspire + support one another in unleashing their Magik within .

The Goddess Space creates mystical, enchanting and safe spaces for women to gather, disconnect from the outside world and connect with their inner one.
From Secret Sharing Circles to Moonlight Goddess Gatherings, From traditional Arts + Crafts to Private 1:1 rituals, Tarot Clubs + Goddess Talks ~ The Goddess space is the place to Unleash your Magik.

3) What inspired you to launch the goddess space?

After journeying through my early 20’s meeting and connecting with the most magikal of women ~ I realised there was a need for a space that could gather them all ~ to share, teach and inspire one another, to recognise the importance in supporting and empowering one another and to share tips, share practices and skills.

I want to bring back the essence of the divine feminine, I want women to connect back to their highest selves so we can then spread that love and change the world. I want to bring back the the ways of the wise woman.

4) What are 3 tips for other women out there to bring out there true goddess sprit and soul?

  • Manifest your reality with your heart not your head… remembering everything you can imagine is real
  • Listen to your intuition its your soul speaking to you
  • Believe in the power you your magik within

5) What defines a goddess?

The Goddess is the divine feminine, we are sparks form the Goddess therefore have the ability to resemble the qualities of the her.

The Goddess has many archetypal qualities, from a spiritual warrior, to compassionate healer ,from a wise knowing woman to a mystical feminine creator. We can connect to all her powerful qualities and let them shine from within us.

6) What is next for the goddess space? or future events to look out for?

I launched the Secret Sharing Circles two months ago and they have been selling out! They now hold space every Wednesday and are open safe, non judgemental spaces for women to share fears, unresolved issues , dreams or creative projects ~ to feel the support of women around them and alchemise through their feelings to embodied action.

We are also collaborating with The Mermaid Cave this Summer and will be gypsy travelling around festival around the UK with them ~ creating pop up women circles ~ So watch this space!!!

7) What does a typical day of eating for you? any foods/ or beverages you cannot live without?

I became vegan about a year ago … my eating habits suddenly transformed and now I relish every bite of food , loving and appreciating all that is going into my body…. but if I had to choose I definitely couldn’t live without hummus

A typical day includes:

Breakfast ~ Green Vanilla Protein Smoothie ~ Im not a huge breakfast person so this is perfect to give me a little energy boost and nourish my cells in preparation for my day ahead!

Lunch ~ I love Buddha Bowls ~ when I first saw them on Pinterest my whole heart beamed! The colours, flavours, mixtures really excited me! So I tend to make a spin off of that for lunch usually! A typical one includes huge bowl of steamed veg dressed in coconut oil salt + pepper with quinoa, avocado, beetroot and big scoop of Hummus

Dinner ~ I love finding healthy alternatives to some of my old favourite dishes! I This is one of my favs…. Courgetti Noodles with homemade brazil nut pesto dressing and vegan parmesan cheese and obviously a little scoop of hummus on the side 🙂

8) What is your favourite quote?

Those who don’t believe in Magik will never find it

9) 3 books that changed your life?

  • Women Who Run with Wolves ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes
  • Brida ~ Paulo Coelho
  • Body of Wisdom ~ Hilary Hart

10) Star sign/ moon sign?

  • Sun Sign ~ Pisces
  • Moon Sign ~ Aries

11) Favourite beach break?

Somewhere rustic ~ where theres mountain’s, beaches that dip into coves, pine trees that hang over you, and water that sparkles! I’m writing this post from a beach in Mykonos which pretty much sums it up!

12) Favourite city break?

My middle name is Florence ~ and I used to go as a little girl with my Dad. The city inspired me so much, the architecture, the creativity and art, passion and innovation … the small cobbled streets, the beautiful shuttered windows and the majestic people. I have beautiful memories of being free in Florence.

13) Next dream destination?

Bali ~ Im manifesting this one hard 🙂 ~ I’m hoping next year I’ll get the opportunity to bring some of my Goddess Vibes out there and create some magical circles on the beach. That would be a dream.

14) Describe yourself in 3 words?

Sensitive, Mystical + Creative

15) Do you have self care rituals?

As a Pisces, Bathing is my main ritual. I bathe to release, to cleanse and to Invoke. Connecting to the knowing that water holds/stores emotions and the magik water has when you work with it with intention. I create my own line of Soul Salts (bath salts) infused with essential oils to enhance my water magik. They are available on maw website and can be custom made to order to suit any thing you’d like to manifest. www.thegoddessspace.com/shop

16) What is one fabulous thing you want to do or happen this year?

I want to collaborate with really inspiring women ~ women from other lands, cultures and times. I want to connect with them and give them a space to share their message.

To find out when the next gathering is, check out the links below to stay tuned for more beautiful moments together.


Instagram : @thegoddessspace
Website : www.thegoddessspace.com
Facebook : @thegoddessspace

Thank you so much Anoushka for stopping by! we loved having you!

Ashley xoxo