energyFeeling tired, suffering from low stamina or just constantly lethargic is a huge symptom of many people in today’s modern day living. Over working, under nourished, and lack of sleep can all take a toll on your health, wellness and energy levels.

These are some of my top 5 fabulous methods I use if I need some extra pep in the morning, afternoon or before heading out in the evening. My energy levels are pretty high, and if you know me and are reading this, you are probably thinking – “Ash you need more energy.. LOL” – but yes, there are times when I have had late nights and morning commitments, or its been a super busy week and I just need some extra TLC in the energy department, I’m human not a Duracell bunny 🙂

Instead of turning to an afternoon espresso, or energy drink full of caffeine and sugar – these are my top 5 fabulous boosters that worked for me; hopefully you can use them if you are having one of those days when you need a natural energising boost.

1) A shot of spirulina mixed with coconut water: Spirulina is a wonderful plant based protein rich in vitamin B, which helps elevate your mood, memory and energy levels. Also a great source of iron, so if you are suffering from anaemia or its that “time of the month”, I highly recommend this in your daily regime for natural iron boost. Coconut water is packed with potassium which helps put electrolytes back in your body, and replenish your cells to boost energy from within.

2) Pump a high intensity dance song and fast walk around the block for at least 10 minutes. So not only are you releasing endorphins by getting your heart rate up, and blood flowing to your brain, but the combo of fresh air and an energising dance song will lift your sprits and your mood, hopefully giving you a feeling of energy and excitement.

3) 20 minutes of meditation: Although I implement daily mediation into my wellness routine, I will set aside time for an additional 20 minutes, if I feel my mind/body are lacking focus, energy or mental clarity that day… I will add either one late afternoon or early evening, especially if I have a deadline, a busy agenda or a social engagement that night.

4) Matcha tea mixed with almond milk and coconut oil: This is a fab way to swap you’re  morning java for an antioxidizing, mood lifting, energising hot drink. Matcha is loaded with antioxidants to fight illness and ageing, by mixing with vitamin D rich almond milk and brain boosting coconut oil, you will instantly have more energy and feel a deeper level of focus and concentration for whatever that morning throws at you.

5) Shot mixed with fresh O.J and 1 tbs of maca powder: Fresh orange juice is a fab source of vitamin C to help fight infections and boost your immune system as well as fast acting absorption in the body. Maca is a plant derived from Peru and is an amazing natural pick me up that you will feel almost instantly, not to mention is fab for fertility, and balancing your hormones, so if you’re feeling slightly stressed, cannot seem to get rid of those chin spots, try this remedy daily for 30 days.

These instant energisers are extremely effective, if you are constantly tired and are getting enough sleep, I would suggest checking for your iron/haemoglobin levels – if they are on the lower side this could result in constant fatigue. Additionally taking food sensitivity test, one symptom of eating food that you are intolerant to is brain fog and fatigue. However if you are healthy but have times when you need some extra help, these are my fab natural boosters.