healthy-gut2Suffering with at least one digestion issue affects so many people in this day and age and can be overwhelming on a daily basis. Day-to-day living is especially difficult if you suffer from constant pain, discomfort, indigestion, fatigue and toilet troubles.

Most digestive problems have to do with lifestyle, the foods we’ve eaten, or stress, which means that taking steps to change your lifestyle can help – and often prevent – many of these problems. I also believe your inner heath is a reflection of your physical state. Radiant, glowing, and youthful skin stems from a nourishing clean diet where as foods that irritate the gut such as gluten, dairy, processed food and refined sugars cause fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, acne, an uneven complexion and redness, which are side effects of whats going on inside. Include probiotics that help support healthy bacteria and strengthen your gut wall, they also help the breakdown of foods and the absorption of nutrients. Probiotics help maintain the overall health of your digestive system which contributes to clear skin. Feed your gut with goodness and check out a typical day of Ashfab Nutrition for digestive health.

Breakfast: Gluten Free Oatmeal with coconut milk with raw honey, sunflower seeds and sliced banana.

Snack: Hummus on a whole grain rice cake

Lunch: Poached Salmon served on a bed of greens with a side of miso soup

Snack: 1/2 Cup of Greek Yogurt and Gogi Berries with a fresh carrot/ Apple Juice

Dinner: Grilled Chicken with cooked broccoli, carrots and cauliflower topped with olive oil and lemon.

“Ashfab Nutrition for natural beauty from the inside out.”