Hey guys!

Hope your week has been fabulous! To keep your days going fabulous, I’ve put together my morning recipe to jumpstart to my morning and get me through the day.


500 ml water/Eva

4/5 lemons

5 pinches of turmeric

4 pinches of cayenne pepper

sprinkles of Himalayan salt

1 teaspoon of maple syrup/raw honey



Put the water in the blender/Vitamix. Squeeze in the lemon and put all the ingredients then blend them all together. You may transfer them in a big mason jar and chill in the fridge. That should last you through the week.

It’s best to take a shot right when you wake up after you drink a glass of water.


So I hope you guys try this out and let me know what you think about the elixir and the tremendous effect it does to your body. I’m sure you’ll love it as much as I do.